My current breakfast of choice is 1/2 a cup of lowfat cottage cheese with some diced (, plastic'd) peaches. 200 calories total and it staves off hunger until lunchtime.
I had no idea of it's "frumpy image" until my coworker asked me why I was eating "old mom food".
I told her - "it's a great source of protein and calcium with the low calories" and she shook her head and said "old mom".
Shrug. I'm trying to keep healthy & *improve my figure, woman.
*Eating cottage cheese to get ride of a little cottage cheese butt. Woe. Seriously, it's probably my least favorite body area. I got stretch marks from a 5 inch growth spurt & the side affects from my desk job.
"Cramming protein into every meal helps build & maintain lean muscle mass. Muscle burns more calories than fat does, even at rest". - Women's Health Magazine

I have been jonesing after this shirt for MONTHS and atypical to JCrew pricing trends (their items seem to go on sale rather quickly), it hadn't gone on sale until very recently (though, I'm not sure why it went off-sale today). Sadly, I jumped on the price change a little too late & the sizes that I could've dealt with (regular 0-4 or petite 2) were gone or had a shipping date of 4.13.10!
So, I mulled it over, took the plunge, & bought the shirt at regular price (by the way, $150+ orders get free shipping with the code R4R3AB, exp 2.8.10 - thanks JCrew Aficionada!)
I do like a nicely structured shirt.
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